Press coverage

The Senef Group’s adventure is regularly reported in the press.

The trade and business press

« Momar Mbaye, the founder of Senef, has decided to target areas that he describes as « essential and resilient ». The ageing of the population (the silver economy) is a major challenge, and as for waste management, we saw during the Covid period that it was the first to take off again, and even that it was one of the few to continue operating ». THE NEW FACTORY

« We started from the major challenges of RSS. The management of a residence is quite onerous, with the accommodation aspect, the life of the residence, the staff, invoicing at the end of the month and many other things. Progisap RSS meets all these requirements through its business modules and simplifies all these processes. CAPGERIS

« To consolidate its position in France and step up its international expansion in the multi-service cleaning sector in particular, Senef Soft is finalising a €6.5 million round of financing from Isatis Capital. Senef quickly understood the market and its potential. France has 22,000 cleaning companies. Senef Soft’s annual growth rate of 20% points to a promising future. MADDYNESS

« On 2 May 2023, the French start-up, which has been operating without raising any funds since 2011, announced an initial financing round of €6.5 million from Isatis Capital. The idea is to accelerate the marketing of its platforms, particularly internationally, and to move into new sectors ». THE DIGITAL FACTORY

To date, Senef Soft has more than 1,300 customers in around ten countries. With this new round of financing, the company plans to strengthen its teams, expand internationally and diversify its offering into related sectors.

In 2023, to accelerate its development

Senef raises €6.5m
from Isatis Capital

Senef, which has not raised any funds since 2011, announced in May 2023 that it had secured initial financing of €6.5 million from Isatis Capital. The idea is to accelerate the marketing of its platforms, particularly internationally, and to move into new sectors.

PROGISAP, votre écosystème numérique dédié aux professionnels de service à la personne

Progisap rassemble toutes les solutions web et mobiles nécessaires à la gestion complète des entreprises de services à la personne.

100% métier

100% web

100% évolutif

100% sécurisé

Progisap soutient tous les domaines du secteur de services à la personne

Maintien à domicile SAAD

Gestion de l’activité de services d’aide et d’accompagnement à domicile, notamment pour les personnes âgées et handicapées.

maintien à domicile saad

Soins à domicile SSIAD

Gestion de l’activité du service de soins infirmiers à domicile.

logiciel soins à domicile ssiad

Garde d’enfants à domicile

Logiciel de gestion des services de garde d’enfants qui répond aux exigences et réglementations spécifiques de la profession.

suivi qualité service à la personne

de confort

Logiciel de gestion des activités de nettoyage dans les résidences privées.

suivi qualité service hôtel gsm retail

Entretien jardins

Logiciel de gestion de vos activités de bricolage et d’aménagement paysager. Faites confiance à Progisap.

suivi qualité industrie

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